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IT companies in HoustonPeople reference the cloud left and right, yet some are not exactly sure what this technology is. The cloud is a reference to everything that can be accessed over the web in a remote manner. Cloud storage is a reference to information on web servers as opposed to a computer hard drive. Take a look at the statistics and you will find cloud storage and cloud computing is the catalyst for mid-market business profit growth ranging between 25 and 75 percent. The cloud’s infrastructure is ideal as it provides enhanced flexibility, scalability and low up-front costs. Reduced costs are essential for maintaining a competitive advantage. Here is some advice from IT companies in Houston on how to make the most of the cloud:

The Cloud Facilitates File Sharing

The cloud makes it easy for employees to share files across the entire organization at the same time. It is possible to upload documents or data pertaining to an objective or another event to be organized. Employees have on-demand access to this information. File sharing on the web is as efficient as it gets. All it takes is a couple clicks for employees to access files regardless of where they are positioned on the globe.

Data Storage on the Cloud

All different types of business data can be stored on the cloud, whether it is a spreadsheet, emails etc. This storage provides easy access to data from any mobile device or computer with a web connection at any point in time. Google Drive and Dropbox are two excellent examples of cloud storage services. Indeed, those who use the cloud for data storage find it to be quite the secure and elastic means of preserving and accessing information.

The Cloud Backs up Data

The cloud is sometimes stereotyped as insecure because it is off-site. However, more and more businesses are using the cloud to safeguard their business files. Applications such as Carbonite facilitate the data back-up process on the cloud. Even if a computer or several computers are damaged, pilfered or lost, the important information will still be available on the cloud.

Cloud services provide several backups. Files uploaded to the cloud are not vulnerable to disk failures as copies exist on the cloud. The online backup will restore the files. Synchronization helps with the management of files and backups as it pinpoints the documents that might be necessary and stores them in the cloud for rapid access. If you are hesitant to take advantage of the cloud because you are intimidated by file uploads, synchronization or other processes, IT companies in Houston can help.

It is Time to Transition to the Cloud

Companies that have not yet made the move to the cloud should give serious consideration to this remarkable technology. The cloud eliminates the need for a costly external storage device to host business files. Your team will enjoy immediate access to data regardless of physical location. If you own or manage a business, the cloud is a competitive advantage you can’t afford to miss out on.

To make the most out of the cloud, you need help from IT companies in Houston like us at ICS. We provide managed IT services, VoIP solutions, voice and data cabling, video conferencing, and more. Contact us today to learn more.