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managed IT services San AntonioWhen it comes to firewalls, just about all news is bad news. Firewalls are typically mentioned when something goes wrong. If your firewall is in place and functioning as it should, you will forget it is shielding your valuable data from evil-doers. However, managed IT services experts in San Antonio understand the nuances and the true value of firewall protection. Here is an in-depth look at the value of firewalls and why they are often overlooked:

The Importance of Firewalls

If your company’s cybersecurity plan does not include a firewall, it is time to implement one. Firewalls serve as the primary line of defense between cyber hackers and your company’s sensitive data. This vital layer of protection will prevent data from infiltrating your system and wreaking havoc. Such data is filtered with the firewall so a security check can be performed. If data does not meet the designated criteria, it will not be allowed to compromise your system.

Do not assume that a fancy, uber-expensive firewall is necessary to protect your data. A simple firewall will provide considerable protection against most threats. Firewalls protect against all sorts of threats, ranging from Trojans to DDOS attacks, remote logins, and malware.

The Importance of Firewall Patching

Firewalls only provide so much protection. If this line of defense is not patched and updated with regularity, its protection will be limited. Upgrade your firewall with regularity, and your organization will prove that much less susceptible to ransomware attacks, as well as other cyber threats.

A Pre-Installed Firewall System Might Not Suffice

Proceed with the pre-installed firewall system standard on your network or computer, and it will make it that much easier for sophisticated hackers to access your data. Upgrade to a business class firewall for robust digital security. Such an upgrade is especially important as employee devices and the expanding network infrastructure will eventually strain a bare-bones firewall to the point that it proves ineffective.

Beware of Firewall Misconfiguration

A misconfigured firewall will sabotage all of the hard work invested in upgrading and patching this important digital shield. The vast majority of firewall breaches are the result of a misconfiguration. The bottom line is— firewalls are only as effective as the overarching digital security policies.

A managed IT services provider in San Antonio can help ensure your firewall is configured just right in terms of workflows, processes, and permissions so hackers cannot access your system.

At ICS, our managed IT services team in San Antonio is at your service for your tech challenges. From IT support to cloud hosting, network evaluations, VoIP phone systems, call recording, surveillance cameras and beyond, our crew has your tech needs covered. Contact us now for more information about our services.