Houston (281) 807-2700
San Antonio (210) 225-5427

Co-Managed IT Services offer a strategic partnership between your internal IT team and external experts, providing the resources and expertise needed to optimize your IT operations and achieve your business objectives. ICS offers comprehensive Co-Managed IT Services tailored to your specific needs, empowering your internal IT team to focus on strategic initiatives while leveraging our expertise to address day-to-day IT challenges.

While your internal IT team possesses valuable knowledge of your organization’s unique IT infrastructure and business processes, they may lack the bandwidth or specialized expertise to address every IT challenge effectively. Co-Managed IT Services bridge this gap by complementing your internal team with external resources and expertise, allowing you to maximize the value of your IT investments and achieve your business goals more efficiently.

ICS’s Co-Managed IT Services

  • Strategic Collaboration: ICS works collaboratively with your internal IT team to understand your business objectives and IT priorities, developing a tailored strategy to optimize your IT infrastructure and support your long-term goals.
  • Flexible Resource Allocation: Whether you need assistance with day-to-day IT operations, project management, or strategic planning, ICS’s Co-Managed IT Services offer flexible resource allocation to meet your evolving needs and priorities.
  • Proactive Monitoring and Maintenance: We proactively monitor your IT infrastructure to identify and address potential issues before they impact your business operations, ensuring maximum uptime and reliability.
  • On-Demand Expertise: With access to a team of experienced IT professionals, including engineers, technicians, and consultants, you can leverage our expertise to tackle complex IT challenges and drive innovation within your organization.

Why Choose ICS To Complete Your IT Department?

  • Enhanced Efficiency

By partnering with ICS for Co-Managed IT Services, you can offload routine IT tasks and project management responsibilities to our team, allowing your internal IT staff to focus on strategic initiatives and higher-value projects.

  • Access to Specialized Expertise

ICS’s team of IT professionals brings a diverse range of skills and expertise to the table, including cybersecurity, cloud computing, network infrastructure, and more, enabling you to leverage specialized knowledge and experience to address your IT challenges effectively.

  • Scalability

Whether you need additional support during peak periods, assistance with specific projects, or ongoing strategic guidance, ICS’s Co-Managed IT Services can scale to meet your needs, ensuring that you have the resources and expertise you need when you need them.

  • Cost Savings

By leveraging ICS’s Co-Managed IT Services, you can avoid the costs associated with hiring and training additional staff or maintaining an in-house IT department, resulting in significant cost savings and a more predictable IT budget.

Why Partner With ICS?


With decades of experience in the IT industry, ICS has the knowledge and expertise to deliver reliable and effective Co-Managed IT Services tailored to your organization’s unique needs and priorities.

Proactive Support:

We take a proactive approach to IT support, continuously monitoring your IT infrastructure and addressing potential issues before they impact your business operations, ensuring maximum uptime and reliability.

Client-Centric Approach:

At ICS, client satisfaction is our top priority. We take the time to understand your business objectives and IT challenges, providing personalized support and solutions that align with your goals and priorities.

Trusted Partnership:

We view ourselves as more than just a service provider – we’re your trusted partner in IT. We work collaboratively with your internal IT team to achieve your business objectives and drive innovation within your organization.

Get The IT Resources You Need

Empower your internal IT team with the resources and expertise they need to succeed. Partner with ICS for comprehensive Co-Managed IT Services that optimize your IT operations and support your business growth. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your IT goals and objectives.