When Was Your Last Backup? Data backups are a critical part of protecting the...
Considering Moving Your Law Firm To The Cloud?
Cloud technology can offer modern law firms a level of flexibility and efficiency your...
Microsoft Excel Training [Free Online Course]
Microsoft Excel Training Excel is one of the most versatile and most useful programs...
Windows 7 Support Is Ending
Did you know? Microsoft is ending support for Windows 7 in January 2020. Beginning...
Is Your IT Support Leaving You Struggling?
You count on your IT provider to keep your firm’s technology functional – so what...
New Whaling Schemes: CEO Fraud Continues to Grow
In previous years, the first clue that your corporate email has been compromised would...
Effects of A Data Breach on Small Business
The information that no business owner or technology director wants to hear: there’s...
Move Up To The Big Leagues
Compete With The Major Players Using Cloud Computing One thing that has changed in the...
Reduce Travel Costs & Expenses With Video Calling Apps
Endless airline terminals. Overpriced airport food. Overly-close seating on packed...
Cloud Computing For Lawyers (2019 Introductory Guide)
Attorneys have unique needs for the storage of information while needing to access data...
How Does Your Technology Impact Your Law Firm’s Productivity?
For any law firm, time is money – billable hours need to be maximized and used...
Severe Ransomware Attack Hits Global Firm
Norsk Hydro just got hit with a major ransomware attack that took down their entire...