Call recording presents a number of benefits, such as protecting your business and employees and ensuring that customer service can be reviewed. When looking for a call recording system, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the many options available. At ICS, we understand that every business has unique needs and requirements, and we want to work closely with you to ensure that your call recording system is a great fit for your company. With over 27 years of experience in business communication solutions, you can be rest assured that ICS can provide expert service and results that work for your business.
Call Recording Benefits
More and more businesses are discovering the benefits of call recording. In addition to saving valuable resources, call recording can also provide a range of other benefits, such as:
- Rules Based Recording – The system can be set up to record or not record on a wide variety of rules. Examples include recording by extension number, caller ID received, number dialed, time of day, representative, or other factors. Options can even exclude any confidential conversations. This system can be set up to automatically send copies of the conversations you define as important via email.
- Improve Customer Service – Set up performance reviews and create custom report cards for customer service representatives by using the call recording software inside the call recording systems offered by ICS.
- Improve Employee Training – Train and improve members of your staff by using real calls as examples. You can use calls from your best representatives as positive examples, and even provide warnings of situations to avoid.
- Monitor Employee Quality – Use rule based call recording, available in all the systems sold by ICS, which allows you to record the calls for specific employees from 10% of the time up to 100% of the time, and then sends those calls to management so they can monitor the quality of those calls.
- Resolve And Prevent Disputes – Protect your organization against litigation in regard to the confirmation of verbal agreements. Stop relying on sales agents or customers to explain what happened during a call. Save time by resolving disputes immediately, by pulling the call and listening to what was actually said.
- Ensure Legal Compliance – For businesses that must adhere to strict rules or laws like the ones outlined in HIPAA(Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), telephone call recording provides proof of compliance in the event of an audit or when a questioned about fulfillment of those requirements.
How Call Recording Systems Have Improved
Call recording has come a long way from the days of expensive, clunky systems. Now call recording systems are compact, simple-to-use systems that work in the background of your office, recording when needed and easily cataloging calls for later access. The many features now available in call recording systems have created a variety of applications. Here are a few examples of call recording implementation:
- Example One:
For businesses that must adhere to strict rules or laws like the ones outlined in HIPAA(Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), telephone call recording provides proof of compliance in the event of an audit or when a questioned about fulfillment of those requirements.
- Example Two:
For businesses that must adhere to strict rules or laws like the ones outlined in HIPAA(Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), telephone call recording provides proof of compliance in the event of an audit or when a questioned about fulfillment of those requirements.
For more information about what’s possible through “Rules Based” call recording, simply speak with one of our knowledgeable and friendly staff members at ICS. Our staff are ready and waiting to help you create a call recording solution that does exactly what you need it to.
What Are Your Call Recording Options?
When it comes to call recording, you have several options, all of which are based on which type of communication system you are currently using, how that communication system operates, and what type of call recording your organization needs. Take a look at the call recording scenarios below to learn more about what type of solution will work for your business. One or all of these can be combined onto one server.
- Trunk Based Call Recording – Recording all calls that coming in or go out via a telephone line. Records all inbound and outbound voice traffic.
- Port Based Call Recording – Records every conversation made to or from a particular handset.
- Digital Handset Call Recording – An individual unit that connects directly to the handset and does not connect to a server.
- IP Handset call Recording – The recording of IP packets on IP handsets.
- Radio Traffic Call Recording – Recording analog radio traffic for municipalities; emergency services, etc.
How Can I Learn More About Call Recording?
As a comprehensive provider of IT services, we want to help our clients enjoy the full benefits of updated technology. We want to build a call recording solution that perfectly fits your business’s needs and help you understand the many options available. To learn more about the cost saving benefits of call recording and how it can fit within your business model, contact ICS today.