Houston (281) 807-2700
San Antonio (210) 225-5427


Houston IT companiesDue to the recent VPN Filter attacks, routers, firewalls and in fact any storage devices connected to a network can potentially cause problems for all businesses, but Houston IT companies can help. The problem lies with the fact that many of these types of devices were infected by malware, and this was exploited by hackers working for the Russian Government. The malware allowed personal data to be collected, devices to be disabled and some web traffic to be blocked. Although the initial threat has been identified, the scope of the damage has yet to be established. Companies should do all they can to make sure they are not at risk.

Steps to Secure Your Business

If your router was obtained directly from your Internet service provider (ISP), contact them in the first instance to make sure your device is completely protected, particularly against this VPN Filter issue. If they ask you to perform a variety of tasks to help, for example, turning the router off and on again, please make sure you follow them to the letter as this will be the first stage in protecting your systems again.

Establish whether your router, firewalls or any storage devices you have are of a consumer grade or business grade. If you have a consumer grade item, then you are more at risk simply because they do not have as many safeguards built into them as the business level equipment. In this case, it may be wise to consider investing in more robust devices.

Houston IT companies specializing in security are able to help prevent future incursions. If you are not a security expert, it can be difficult to decide what safety procedures to carry out, as different types of devices require different solutions. You may need to upgrade your equipment or simply reboot each one, and the experts can recommend which would be more appropriate for you. They can also advise on whether you need to improve your password access to routers and external devices, whether you have the latest firmware, and if not, how to update it, and how to protect yourself and your company against hackers.

At ICS, we can help protect your business against any possible incursion. We are one of the best Houston IT companies with extensive experience in security solutions to both combat current issues and prevent future problems. Let us help you make sure you are not susceptible to this particular cybercrime and protect your IT infrastructure from any future attempt by hackers to gain access to your systems. Contact us now for more information.