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IT services providers in Houston are instrumental in helping businesses gradually transition to cloud-based solutions. These solutions can save your business thousands of dollars annually. There are many ways this can be done, one of which is DaaS or Desktop as a Service. This means there’s a floated “desktop” interaction solution out there. Think of it this way: if you’ve got a network which employs something like 30 personal computers, each PC will have its own private “desktop” with which the employee interacts. Additionally, employees will log onto the network in order to complete work for the company in question. Sometimes, the desktop is the same between different PCs and floated from an internal server array which supplies a business its network.
Cloud computing provides the same thing but without the need for internal networks or management. Employees simply log on using whatever device is convenient. That device must be able to access the Internet, but that’s about it. Now, this can save many thousands of dollars per year.
If you’ve got a car, it’s going to cost you around $3,000 to $5,000 a year to maintain— that’s between oil changes, repairs, tires, cleaning, parking, etc. With a computer that’s worth about $2,000, you’re likely going to spend around $50 to $200 annually for things like maintenance, upgrade, repair, and collateral costs. Also, you’ve got to replace those computers every three to five years. The first year such devices are acquired and installed for 30 employees, you’d be looking at $61,500. After you’ve replaced those computers in five years, you’ll have spent around $121,500. Also, you’ve got to have office space for employees.
Now, contrast that with DaaS solutions provided by an IT services company in Houston. Even if it costs $1,000 a month, you would still only spend half as much over the course of five years. How? Your employees use Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) solutions. They can additionally work remotely, saving you the cost of providing workspace for them.
Such solutions are supported remotely by the organizations which provide them. Since security is their responsibility, it then becomes their prerogative to provide more comprehensive security solutions. A final saving comes in the form of recouped opportunity. Internal IT workers aren’t stuck playing catch-up by updating continually. They can focus on core directives and maintain productivity. This allows them to streamline and optimize your operation, rather than fighting issues of the troubleshooting kind that continue to develop without end.
So, to recap, advantages of DaaS solutions as provided through cloud computing include:
IT services providers in Houston through ICS can save your business operational expenses. It can additionally provide your business competitive advantage through cutting-edge infrastructural organization techniques. Contact us to deploy the DaaS solutions that give your business the ability to operate more cost-effectively. You don’t have to go the BYOD route to save with DaaS, either. Ask us about more ways to save.
ICS is a Texas-based 40-year-old technology company specializing in Managed IT, VoIP, Video Conferencing and Video Surveillance solutions for US and International businesses. ICS has over 4000 regional installations and specializes in multi-site businesses between 25 and 2500 employees. ICS’s customers enjoy the experience of ICS’s Total Care program which provides clients flat fee services with obsolescence and growth protection. Whether a customer elects to deploy their IT, Video Conferencing or VoIP in the cloud or on the customer’s premise, ICS can provide a full turn-key solution for our clients under one flat monthly fee.